Celebrate Christmas at CatVers!
Let's enjoy Catalan culture in the metaverse!
What is CatVers Christmas?​
We want Catalans to be able to enjoy old traditions, without neglecting technology and digitalisation!
That's why we've developed an environment in the CatVers where you can make your uncle poop, visit a manger and even customize your own pooper!
How and when can I enter CatVers Nadal?
From the 22nd of December, everyone who wants it will be able to access the CatVers Christmas room, you just have to press this button, which we will enable on the 22nd:
At CatVers Christmas you will find a very peculiar setting: a garden of cagan trees!
Model your own caganer with your pprogram of prefference, ienter the CBCat Discord,where we will give you the instructions to send it to us.
And if you don't have experience with modeling programs, use our caganer editor. After we review it, we'll post it to the garden!
From December 22, you will be able to access the room, look for your caganer, take a selfie with your avatar! Don't forget to post it on social networks with the hashtag#ChristmasCatVers!